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Last update: 27 November 2013
All updates maintained by Paul Marxhausen
Redesigned in Feb. 2002 by web developer David Chu
FindADoc is a voluntary, informal effort to put RSI victims in touch
with competent treatment by listing
practitioner suggestions from several sources. Each entry lists the
source of the recommendation, and these sources are explained in detail
below. PLEASE READ THE SOURCE EXPLANATIONS and the other introductory
material before consulting the listings.
It is VITALLY important to GET A DIAGNOSIS FIRST, instead of trying
to choose a form of treatment first. YOU SHOULD SEE A DOCTOR. It may
develop that you may find, for example, that massage therapy, acupuncture,
surgery, etc. are what help treat your condition, but first you need your
particular condition evaluated. Repetitive injuries may have similar
causes but the actual injury and damage varies widely from person to
person, and there are a lot of complicating conditions that may be involved
as well.
and not qualified to judge the credentials of any one listed
herein. Moreover, I can do NO verification of any kind on the information here.
This file is ONLY a raw list of patients' recommendations, subjective
OPINIONS and listings
from other sources and must be used with the great caution one should
bring to all health care decisions. A listing here is NOT the same
as a professional referral and I disclaim any responsibility for decisions
made on the basis of this information, or for the opinions of contributors.
I STRONGLY SUGGEST you check any references here out with your local
medical or professional associations to confirm they are reputable
practitioners. ( check the Directory of Medical Specialties at your library,
or for a small fee you can get a report on a doctor's qualifications through
Medi-Net Reports at 1-888-ASK-MEDI/1-800-972-MEDI. )
Despite requests that I post which doctors and providers to avoid,
I do not routinely post criticisms or negative recommendations here or anywhere
else. HOWEVER, I have had cases where a clinic or provider has both strong
positive recommendations AND significant negative comments. I have no way
to judge or verify either kind of comment. So in the interest
of fairness and promoting access to providers who can help RSI patients, I
feel my only choice in such cases is to include the negative comments along
with the good ones and let the prospective patient weigh them. If you are
listed here with any negative comments and feel unfairly portrayed, you have
the choice of 1) taking the criticism under advisement or 2) requesting
that I remove ANY MENTION of you and your practice.
NOTE: Although I try to organize entries alphabetically by city, any one entry may refer
to multiple communities; or there may be may be a practitioner in a nearby community or adjoining
state. Please scan or
search each page in its entirety for practitioners near you or check other states.
Providers page was updated by web developer David Chu to facilitate printing and improve page loading speed.
[ Alabama ]
[ Alberta ]
[ Arizona ]
[ British Columbia ]
[ California ]
[ Colorado ]
[ Connecticut ]
[ District of Columbia ]
[ Florida ]
[ Georgia ]
[ Hawaii ]
[ Idaho ]
[ Illinois ]
[ Indiana ]
[ Iowa ]
[ Kentucky ]
[ Louisiana ]
[ Maine ]
[ Maryland ]
[ Massachusetts ]
[ Mexico ]
[ Michigan ]
[ Minnesota ]
[ Missouri ]
[ Montana ]
[ Nebraska ]
[ Nevada ]
[ New Hampshire ]
[ New Jersey ]
[ New Mexico ]
[ New York ]
[ North Carolina ]
[ Nova Scotia]
[ Ohio ]
[ Oklahoma ]
[ Ontario ]
[ Ottawa ]
[ Oregon ]
[ Pennsylvania ]
[ Phillipines ]
[ Quebec ]
[ Rhode Island ]
[ Saskatchewan ]
[ South Carolina ]
[ Tennessee ]
[ Texas ]
[ Utah ]
[ Vermont ]
[ Virginia ]
[ West Virginia ]
[ Washington ]
[ Wisconsin ]
[ Australia ]
[ United Kingdom ]
[ Europe ]
[ India ]
[ Israel ]
[ New Zealand ]
[ South Africa ]
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