Eastern New York Occupational Health Program
155 Washington Avenue Clinic Founded 1988
Albany, New York 12210
AOEC Contact: Anne Tencza, Registered Nurse, COHN 518-436-5511 FAX 518-436-9110 Eckardt Johanning, MD, MSc.
Faith Trotta
Alfred Myotherapy and Exercise
Box 534, 49 Hillcrest
Alfred, NY 14802
Dr. Kahn adds: My name is Judith Kahn, M.D., P.C. You have me listed as having 2 offices. I now only have one in Riverdale, NY due to my other occupation as mother. The phone number that someone added is the only correct number now for reaching me: 718-884-8115. I now have a website: JudithKahn.com which gives more detailed information about my practice, and how it has evolved in the past three years.
I was wondering if you could post some information about me on your web site. I am a social worker practicing in Brooklyn, New York. I specialize in working with people who have repetitive strain injuries and other chronic pain problems. I was diagnosed myself with RSI in 2000 and have much experience dealing with both the practical and emotional aspects of the injury. Feel free to contact me at 718-541-1274 or by e-mail at rachelchernick@earthlink.net. My address is 26 Court St., Suite 410, Brooklyn, NY 11242. Thank you! Rachel Chernick
Department of Nuclear Medicine
105 Parker Hall
3435 Main St.
Buffalo, NY 14214
(716) 838-5889
Contact: Dr. Alan Lockwood
Neurological Consultants of Central New York
P. O. Box 505
5730 Commons Park
Dewitt, NY 13214
(315) 449-0011
Contact: Dr. Pieter Kark
Therapist Tom Chi writes: "RSI is a very simple thing to treat in most cases. It can be "fixed" usually in 2 to 12 treatments. It is a mechanical problem and occassionally is a "satellite" problem from the elbow or the brachial plexus or further up to the thoracic outlet and finally from the neck. All may be fixed quite fast, again and again. Most RSI comes from adhesions in the soft-tissue/muscle/tendons at the elbow on the lower arm side. These muscles are the engines to operate the finger/wrist movements. A properly trained therapist can eliminate this problem, usually in just 2- 4 treatments though (as stated above) infrequently, more therapy is needed."
Middletown 342.3000 Fallsburg 436.9000
I am the director of a facility located on Long Island (NY)called Bellmore Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation....we have Physical Therapist, chiro care, Physiatry and specialize in treating CTS with mobilization, stretching and traction.....we have had close to an 80% success rate with mild to moderate cases in the past 2 and 1/2 years...
phone 516.221-0225 Dr. Michael Schonfeld & Dr. Mark Greenbaum
" There is a hospital on Long Island that used to have a great P.T department, well trained in osteopathic soft tissue techniques, Southside Hospital in Bay Shore on Main Street. The head of the department there was Michael O'Brien. They could be very helpful. I did some training there and it seemed a good place. It was about 4 years back though and staff changes. "
, if you can get to Long Island, I would recommend Dr. Weingarten or his colleague at the Pain Alleviation center. they have a web site. RSD is extremely serious, as any website can verify. It should be treated aggressively within the first 6 months or it can become incurable, from what the literature says. good luck.
Paul's Note: several New York state communities are served by branches of the practice mentioned in this posting. See the web site for details.
Kaye O'Connell
Muscle Works
9565 Maple Ave.
Machias, NY 14101
Dr. David Drier
PO Box 198, Monroe, NY 10950
Ph. (914) 774-7378
e-mail Bodyworks1@juno.com
I am a chiropractor, working almost exclusively with repetitive stress and cumulative trauma injuries, with a specialty in performing artists (dancers, musicians, etc.). I work in Orange and Rockland counties, NY, with trips into New York City, to deal with performing artists, as well as athletes and others, "on site", before or after performances. My own specialty is Active Release Technique, developed by Dr. Michael Leahy, and used on Ironman and Olympic athletes, as well as professional musicians and dancers, and thousands of "carpal tunnel" sufferers. Very few have true carpal tunnel. The problem, instead, is usually the development of scar tissue- fibrous adhesions- in the muscles, and between them, and along nerves. Until those adhesions are broken up, the patient will make little progress. And Active Release Technique is unique in its use of body mechanics to achieve its aims. In brief, it combines muscle "stripping" of a low compression/high tension variety with active patient motions. Because the patient is using antagonist muscles to the ones being treated, the muscle being treated moves under the therapists fingers. I.E. you work with, not on, the patient. The idea is similar to PNF- proprioceptive neuromuscular technique. I combine this work with chiropractic adjustments, Feldenkrais technique, massage, rehab exercises, and nutrition to maximize value for the patient.
I recommend my physiatrist, Dr. Marshall Kurtz, Mount Kisco New York, 914-242-3500. Dr. Kurtz was the first of several doctors I saw who took my RSI complaints seriously. He took the time to listen, examine, and order the necessary tests to make accurate diagnoses of my neck, wrists and muscle pains. Thanks to him, I was able to partially repair a TFCC tear missed by two orthopedic surgeons and a radiologist. He has an open mind to the possible causes and treatments for RSI, recognizing the success of any given treatment may vary by patient. He is a strong advocate in the workers compensation and disability systems, and shows unfailing support and encouragement for recovery.
A prominent and longstanding resource for injured musicians is New York City's Kathryn and Gilbert Miller Health Care Institute for Performing Artists, which was listed on this site for some time. The listing was removed after the Institute changed leadership. This was because I received specific and detailed complaints about:
Kathryn and Gilbert Miller Health Care Institute for Performing Artists 172 Amsterdam Avenue, Suite 2F New York, NY 10023 Phone: 212-496-4700 Fax: 212-496-4701Mitchell Kahn, M.D. Director & Primary Care A board certified internist on the faculty of Columbia University, he has long experience in primary care internal medicine treatment of performing artists. He is Medical Director of the Metropolitan Opera and has toured with them to Japan and Europe. He has been associated with many other performing arts organizations including Brooklyn Academy of Music and The Royal Shakespeare Company . He plays french horn and violin and has performed in Carnegie and Avery Fisher Halls, produced plays, and built sets and costumes. DrMKahn@MillerInstitute.org
Doctor Lillie Rosenthal (DO) works at the Miller Institute. I don't think that she specializes in computer RSI per se, but she is smart and caring, and seems to be well-informed. $250 for initial consultation, $150 for further appts, I believe. Her voice telephone# is 212 523 6200, FAX is 212-523-8100.
...I was surprised to hear someone say that the Miller Institute has gone totally downhill; as I said, I have enjoyed seeing Dr. Lillie Rosenthal there. I did hear a NYC physical therapist say that although she considers it quite good, it's probably not as good as it was under Dr. Pascarelli. In any case, they have a website, http://www.millerinstitute.org/; I'll include a little of it below.
For Physical Therapy I highly recommend Wing M. Wong-Tom, her info is below.
"I am an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (certified by the APTA, one of 35 in
NYC). I accept Blue Card PPO plan and am in network with it. I also
provide one-to-one treatments, hands-on, to my patients for 40-45 minutes
per session. I perform cervical traction, but manually. If you need mechanic
cervical traction, you can purchase one for home.
We are located at 401 Broadway, Suite 205. Cross street is Canal street. My
office number is 646.666.7122.
However, I don't have weekend hours right now. I am in this location 3 long
days a week (M, W, F, sometimes Thursday evenings), and I work until 8:00pm
at night, with 7:00pm being my last appointment.
If you are still interested, please check out my website at
www.promobilitypt.com (office hours had been changed) and call my office for
Hope your questions are answered.
Wing M. Wong-Tom, PT, MS, OCS"
If you're looking for someone to come to you (she can bring a professional table with her if necessary) in NYC or Brooklyn after business hours or during weekends at a fee of $75-$100 for a 40 minute massage, you could contact I. Priev at (347) 856-1750. She has experience working in a chiropractor office as a massage therapist so if you're too busy to go to a physical therapy office she may provide a good alternative.
I can really recommend Patsy Roth who also teaches at on of NYC's acupuncture schools. She helped me a lot and relieved a lot of tension and strain in my forearms.
Patsy Roth 422 Hudson Street New York, 10014 212 242 7807
Hello! I found your webpage while Googling my Dr's office for their phone (you already have them listed ). I read several of your reviews and think it's a wonderful resource you provide!
I am a patient of Dr. Mitchell Kahn of The Miller Institute and I have seen him several times over the past 2 yrs or so. I have been VERY pleased with the treatment I've received there and highly recommend him. FYI - their office has recently moved to:
172 Amsterdam Avenue, Suite 2F New York, NY 10023 Phone: 212-496-4700 Fax: 212-496-4701
Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
NYU School of Medicine
400 East 34th St
New York, NY 10016
Contact: Dr. Matthew Lee
Roosevelt Hospital
Department of Hand Surgery
428 W. 59th St.
New York, NY 10019
(212) 523-7591
Contact: Dr. Richard Eaton
Hi there. I'm writing to let you know about my RSI doctor in New York City, in hopes that you will post the information on your website. My doctor, Dr. Susan Richman in New York City, is a wonderfully caring practitioner who has been a vital part of my healing from RSI. She is the most nurturing doctor I have ever had, and a creative fighter against RSI. You can reach her at 646-486-2616, and her office is located in New York's Union Square. With best wishes for all other RSI patients . . .
"...I had surgery for De Quervain's a year ago and I recommend my surgeon, Dr. [Steven] Beldner. He is East 34th Street (New York, NY) and the telephone number is 340-0000. The surgery was done at Beth Israel North on York Ave. near 88 St.
Another hand surgeon I recommend is Dr. Benjamin Rosenstadt on West 60th St." [ Phone: 212-838-7180 Address: RIVERSIDE ORTH & SPORT MED 36 W 60TH ST NEW YORK , NY 10023 ]
Shmuel Tatz Physical Therapy
Carnegie Hall Studio 142
154 W. 57th St.
New York, NY 10019
(212) 246-7308
I had a very good experience with Ronald E. Ponchak on W 91st Street. phone 212 875 8345. They performed deep tissue massage, taught me how to stretch, and used ultra sound to reduce inflammation ...
"My experience with the following medical professionals has been excellent. . . . these professionals have made it possible for me to avoid surgery. I can also say that all of the people I've listed have been respected by peers, attentive to my needs, kind, compassionate, and helpful. . . ."
Orthepedic Surgeon:
Dr. Stephen Kates
1415 Portland Ave.
Roch, NY 14621
Phone # (716) 336-5200 (Appt line 336-5403)
Also well respected, kind and compassionate...
Dr. Richard Dellaporta, 125 Lattimore Rd., (716) 271-4390
Physical Therapist:
Idi Cole
(There are 3-4 Physical Therapists in this group.
All are very good.)
Hand Rehabilitation
2180 S. Clinton Ave.
Roch, NY 14618
Phone # (716) 275-4556
(They're part of University of Rochester/Strong
Memorial Hospital)
Dr. C. Douglas Angevine
(He recently moved to a new office at 1415
PortlandAve I don't have his new phone #)
Rochester Rheumatology Group, PC
125 Lattimore Rd., Suite 175
Roch, NY 14620
Phone # (716) 442-1112
The Mount Sinai-Irving J. Selikoff Center for
Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Mount Sinai Medical Center
1391 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10029
(212) 987-6043 Telephone
(212) 987-6649 Fax
Hudson Valley Center (914) 366-3670
Brooklyn Center (718) 780-2805
My neurologist is here and my MD works at Mount Sinai; the care and assistance provided is excellent. The following information (edited for brevity) is from their flyer. Medical evaluation of groups or individuals w/hazardous exposures. Written information about specific hazards...at work. Advoce on how to reduce or eliminate work conditions that are causing problems. Education programs. Help getting Workers Compensation and other available legal benefits. Social work services to help w/social, psychological and financial problems caused by work-related health problems (including Susan Nobel's support group). Epidemiologic services. No one will be turned away due to an inability to pay. Sliding scale for charges not covered by insurance. To make an appointment call (212) 987-6043, Monday - Friday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. A Center staff person will briefly interview over the telephone about health concerns... Appointments are scheduled Monday - Thursday from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. ...... . . . Jonathan Dropkin. He's the ergonomic coordinator at the Mt. Sinai Center for Occupational Medicine around 96th street (if I can remember). I know a few people who have seen him through NYCOSH referrals and swear by him as effective. I've first met him in the beginning of this year and I can tell you that he works "with patients" rather than "working on them". You can find him at 212-241-2582. Jonathan Dropkin is NOT an MD. He is an ergonomist (and also degreed as a Physical Therapist; I believe he did that before going ergonomist). He does evaluation of workstations, industrial sites, etc. If needed, you are referred to him by the treating physician at Mount Sinai.
I've also been treated at Mt. Sinai in NY, by Drs. Piligian & Milek. I would highly recommend either. (see address above.)
Another patient comments: I had my first appointment with (Dr. Milek) this week, and I was pleased with her analysis of my condition and the care she took making her diagnosis, but she was fairly rude to me.
Yet another adds: I see Dr. Moline at Mount Sinai and like her very much.
Still another: It is worth a short trip into NYC to go to Mt. Sinai Hospital, and be evaluated at their Irving J. Selikoff Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine. My doctor was Dr. Robin Herbert. She prescribed ultrasound diagnostic tests (as good as and cheaper than MRI), nerve tests, PT and referred me to a great Orthopedic Surgeon for evaluation.
my doctor at the Mt. Sinai clinic did provide a prescription with the following doctor for these tests: Your own doctor might also provide you a prescription for this testing.
The Hospital for Special Surgery - 535 E. 70th Street, NY, NY 10021. Dr. Ronald Adler. He was in charge and had students / residents present to learn from him in doing the exam.
Exam: Ultrasound both extremeties. Ord. Diag. 719.49 - Joint Pain - Multiple Joints Technique: Real time gray scale ultrasound of both wrists and elbows.
Julie Weiner, MS, BCIA-C 5997 Riverdale Ave. at 260th St. The Bronx, NY 10471 (718) 601-4569 984 North Broadway, Ste. LL-05 Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 633-2991After a thorough evaluation to find out which muscles are involved in your particular case, you will be given a course of physiologic feedback and pain management training that may include diaphragmatic breathing, muscle relaxation, minibreak training, posture awareness, stress management training and help in establishing basic health habits.. The latter may involve assistance in finding an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle, making time for healthy meals or quitting smoking. (smoking increases the risk of muscle injury.) You may also be advised on the role of nutrition in maintaining relaxed, healthy muscles, tendons, joints and cartilages.
She takes a holistic approach to the process and respect the outlook of the patient, tailoring treatment to the person. Ms. Weiner is very flexible and will work hard to find the combination which works for the patient. I found her innovative and responsive. She is very collaborative in her approach and worked with my Physical Therapist and myself to help solve treatment issues there as well as in her own arena. I mentioned her in passing to a person who, it turned out, had worked with her years before, remembered her treatment with great appreciation and continued to use the training she received.
Hospital for Joint Diseases would be my first choice! They're on the East Side I believe.
Lisa Sattler, MS, PT, ART 333 East 46 Street, Suite 1H New York, NY 10017 (212) 681-8601 Telephone (212) 681-8603 Facsimile (Note: another source lists her phone as 212-838-6847 .)Lisa Sattler does a thorough intake/history/evaluation during the first visit. She is very knowledgeable about RSI, treats holistically and is open to the use of multiple modalities during PT (such as Alexander Technique, etc., to assist w/posture and realignment). Exercises are appropriate in type and speed for developing strength and flexibility. She checks on home progress and is mindful of reviewing exercise regimen to make sure they are being done correctly. She is trained in myofascial release and Applied Release Therapy (a treatment which helps "unstick" nerves and works well with many patients). She is also knowledgeable about early RSD and is concerned with prevention. Accepts WC patients.
another patient writes: ...I would like to strongly reiterate that Lisa Sattler is truly a great physical therapist. She spends plenty of one-on-one time with you, and had an answer for every RSI question I had. Her website is hand-pain.org, and her phone number on 46th Street on East Side Manhattan is 212-681-8601. She also has a queens office.
Jackie Ross, Physical Therapist
I am a physical therapist who has worked with RSI problems for 9 years
22 W. 21. ST - SUITE 802
NEW YORK, NY 10010
212- 627 5670
FAX- 212 6270591(JROSSPT@aol.com)
We would like to take your offer, and be included in your "self-referred" section. I am an Internal Medicine physician and the Director of Healthcheck Medical Facility. My partner Julie Donnelly, is a Licensed Massage Therapist, and runs the therapeutic services at Julstro Muscular Therapy Center and The Carpal Tunnel Treatment Center. I am also the Medical Director of these Centers. Our offices are located at 218 S. Main Street, New City, NY 10956. The contact number for Healthcheck, and Julstro Muscular Therapy Center, is 845-638-3400. The contact number for The Carpal Tunnel Treatment Center is 845-268-2021.
Gene Desepoli
258 Henry Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
I am trained as a chiropractor and massage therapist with a special
interest in RSI and overuse syndromes which respond well to
sost-tissue techniques. I have additional certification (although I
use that term lightly) in muscular and myofascial disorders.
A. Benja-Athon, MD 210 East 36 Street New York, NY 10016 (212) 545-7075Located between Second & Third Streets. Accepts Workers Compensation. I find Dr. Benja-Athon very concerned and aware of life as well as medical issues involved w/injury. I have been going for acupuncture and have found it very helpful. Needles are sterile/disposable and sanitary procedures are strictly followed. Decor is in calming colors, lights are kept low for pain patients. Staff is helpful and pleasant. This MD is a former surgeon, who now does rehabilitation medicine and acupuncture. Has done research on pain and has experience working with RSI. He provides an accurate picture of benefits of acupuncture and does a thorough intake interview/evaluation.
Phyllis W. Sherman, Physical Therapist
Columbia Presbyterian-Eastside Sports Medicine
15 E. 60th Street, 4th Floor
New York, New York
(212) 326-3330
I was referred to Phyllis by Dr. Emil Pascarelli. She is an
experienced, caring professional who recognizes the intricacies and
difficulties of treating RSI. I've had RSI since 1993 and have tried
about a dozen PT's and different types of therapy. After 8 months of
intensive therapy with Phyllis, consisting mostly of stretching and
gradual strenthening, I am well on my way to a pain-free state. I never
could have believed it possible after the years of unrelenting pain and
agony. This outfit takes Worker's Comp as a form of payment.
. After much searching for a doctor to treat me for a bad case of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, and many bad experiences, I was finally lucky enough to be referred to Keith Raskin, who is an upper extremity specialist in New York City. 317 E 34 St bet 1 & 2 Ave 212-683-4263. In addition to having a reputation as a great technician and surgeon, he is also very patient in answering questions and explaining things. On various visits I brought in articles from medical journals on my condition, and also Dr. Norris' Book (Survival Guide for Musicians) in order to ask questions and confirm what I read. He was not at all threatened by this, and actually appreciated that I was well-informed. He really cares about his patients.... I told Dr. Raskin facetiously that he is more like a TV doctor than a real doctor, because he is such a nice guy.
My physical therapist, Susan Scanga, is amazing. 4 - 1/2 weeks after
elbow surgery, my doctor says my range of motion is where he would
expect it to be after 8 weeks. Susan is also very reassuring, patient and
good-humored. Most importantly, she REALLY knows her stuff.
I have been to other P.T.s, O.T.'s, etc. who had five people in the
treatment room at once. At Susan's, I have never had more than one other patient
being worked with at the same time as me. (One other is nice because you
can trade war stories.)
Susan Scanga
(In Manhattan)
New York City - W 90th St Manhattan - John Bloomfield - 212 799-2257
John is a piano teacher who retrains RSI-afflicted musicians and computer users in how to use a keyboard in a non-injurious way. When I first went to him I was in too acute a phase to consider typing, but he showed me how to do various acts of daily living - picking up a glass, turning a doorknob or a faucet, writing, dial a phone, etc., in ways that did not aggravate my injuries. (I've had occupational therapists claim they do the same sort of thing, but I know John helped me a lot and no OT I've talked to claimed expertise on typing.) Later I took up keyboard retraining with John. I think he is definitely on to something. He is very sensitive and pays attention to the way you respond individually. And he can generally figure out how to do things in a way that doesn't hurt. One friend I sent to him claimed a "miracle cure" -- an initial flare, still quite recent, receded in a matter of weeks. Usually takes a little longer, but I think most RSI suffers who still have an interest in typing could benefit from John's lessons. The only qualifier I would add is that while John knows a great deal about arms and hands, he knows less about shoulders and back (not that he claims to know anything he doesn't); this was relevant to me insofar as the typing retraining did not address my TOS (brachial plexus) issues, though it was beneficial in other ways.
John S. Artandi, MD
Director of Orthopedic Medicine
Advanced Pain Care Center of New York
18 E 50th St.
New York, NY 10022
(212) 758-4688
I have received very effective treatment for bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, including ultrasound and fluidotherapy three times a week. Dr. Artandi goes out of his way to explain the diagnostic procedures and the treatments in great detail. Patients are never rushed.
another patient writes:
John Artandi is a devoted and energetic sports doctor. He and his staff do all they can
to make you feel comfortable.He comes from a musical family , (his mother was a famous opera
singer in Hungary) and is a former pianist.
He is completely familiar with the musicians milieu and works with you and your instrumental
set up to determine better playing positions and muscle control. He uses a combination of very
effective techniques such as electrical stim, ultra sound therapy, manual massage, fluidotherapy
and exercise.Before seeing Dr. Artandi, I was addicted to anti inflammatory analgesics.
I have been medication free for 3 months now and my condition is vastly improved.
I am the Medical Director of the Carpal Tunnel Treatment Center, in New City, NY. Along with my partner, Julie Donnelly, LMT, we have been teaching individuals how to self-treat for repetitive strain injury (RSI) to the muscles of the arm and hand, since 1997. These muscles give the same symptoms as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and may easily cause a musician to be forced into ending a promising career.
Our work has proven that the great majority of people do not need surgery, and that surgery will only complicate the symptoms - sometimes causing permanent damage. This conservative treatment has been effective for over 90% of the people who have used it.
It was because of working with a professional musician that we were directed to your website. We have successfully taught many musicians, athletes, computer operators, and people from all walks of life. The results we have achieved have led us to being accepted for full clinical trials at Bassett Research Center in Cooperstown, NY. We are currently awaiting a reply to a grant application to the National Institute of Health.
Our website : www.aboutcts.com We want to bring this information to musicians, giving them the ability to self-treat their arms and hands, and relieving the stress that RSI places on the joints, and the numbness caused by muscles pressing into the nerves that give feeling to the hand.
I have a very good physical therapist who totally understands and treats RSI. His name is Luke and he is at Hands on Physical Therapy on 57th between 7th and broadway. I do not have the phone number handy but information should have it. Any of the pt's there know how to treat it and spend 1/2 hour working on you with manual therapy and I feel much better than I ever did before seeing them. Good luck.
(Paul sez: a quick web search turned up a web page I think lists this practitioner's address - see http://www.hands-on-pt.com/ )
Bellevue/New York University
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Clinic
Bellevue Hospital, Room CD349
27th Street & First Ave. Clinic Founded 1991
New York, New York 10016
AOEC Contact: George Friedman-Jiminez, MD 212-562-4572 FAX 212-562-4574 Rafael de la Hoz, MD, MPH
Chinese, Spanish and French spoken, in addition to English.
Ellen Saltonstall, MS, MT 17 East 16 Street New York, NY 10003 (212) 727-7288Ellen Saltonstall offers a class specifically designed for and limited to sufferers of RSI which combines Yoga and Kinetic Awareness at an affordable price. The class is very helpful and gentle. Ms. Saltonstall has an MS in Therapeutic Human Movement from New York University and a BA from Cornell University. in 1981, she began to study Hatha Yoga and to teach it in 1983; and for over five years has been especially interested in its therapeutic uses. She is on the staff at Mind-Body Medical Institute at St. Peter's Medical Center in New Brunswick, NJ, and has a private practice in Massage Therapy and Kinetic Awareness Technique, which is used to release tension in the body and facilitate movement. Her book, Kinetic Awareness: Discovering Your Bodymind was published in 1983.
Chloe Wing 60 Fourth Street, Apt. 15 New York, NY 10011 (212) 598-9434Ms. Wing teaches the Alexander Technique in New York City and has specialized in neck and hand injuries during her twelve years in private practice; she has extensive experience working with RSI. She is Director of The Musician's Body, a national program dedicated to the health and well-being in music. In addition, she directs a three-year teacher training program in the Alexander Technique and is a founding member of Alexander Technique International where she certifies teachers world wide.
Bill Gallagher MSPT, CMT, CYT Director East West Rehab Institute www.EastWestRehab.com Bill @ eastwestrehab . com (212) 781-2626Advanced Clinician in Integrative Rehabilitation Mount Sinai Medical Center
Instructor in Clinical Physical Therapy Columbia University
I am with Mount Sinai, but I would like to have my private practice (where I can spend more time with pts in a much more relaxing atmosphere) listed on your site. My address is 202 west 88th st Suite one. I am a licensed PT, a certified yoga teacher and a certified massage therapist. I treat people with RSI regularly using osteopathic manual therapy, physical exercise, mental techniques and make ergonomic recommendations/modifications. I have an office on 88th and Broadway and make home visits in Manhattan.
Claire Naylor-Pollart
Fitness Express /Myotherapy
105 W. 78th, #3
New York, NY 10024
I have had excellent results after receiving therapy in the office of Dr. Donald P. Milione, Chiropractor. Dr. Milione is the only chiropractic diplomate of ocupational health in Manhattan and his approach to correcting the symptoms associated with RSI injuries begins with a comprehensive patient case history and physical examination. Dr. Milione has a friendly "bedside" manner which I find assuring. After diagnostic tests (Xray&nerve tests) are performed in his office he determines a treatment plan....in order to restore the injured body part to pre-injury status as quickly as possible. Dr. Milione's offfice is located at 330 East 79th Street, NY, NY (212)988-6900
Dr. Robin Herbert at Mount Sinai in NYC and Tarrytown. She's excellent, compassionate and really knows RSI (has had it herself). I trust her implicitly.
... I saw seven doctors (some of them just plain AWFUL) before I met Dr. Robin Herbert at Mount Sinai in NYC.
Dr. Herbert is the first and only doctor that I have met along this "journey" that is pro-patient and "gets it" about the RSI and related injuries and issues. Dr. Herbert is of the Mt. Sinai "Irving J. Selikoff Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine". Her phone is (914) 964-4737. Her assistant is Diane Monahan. She now sees patients in the Yonkers, NY location.
...I called Dr. Robin Herbert's office and spoke with her knowledgeable and almost staggeringly helpful assistent, Diane Monahan. ... She also recommendeded Lisa Sattler or the other p.t. in Lisa's office, Kerri O'Neill, for physical therapy. .... I couldn't have been more blown away by the level of care I got from Kerri, just in one session. Her evaluation was so much more comprehensive, and she was so much more receptive--and smart--than so many other physical therapists I've gone to, that I don't even know how these other p.t.'s I've seen can live with themselves. .... I also went to see Dr. Nainzadeh, at Mt. Sinai, who was thorough and caring. .... Diane Monahan also highly recommended Jonathan Dropkin, an ergonomist, who I plan to see shortly about putting other an ergonomic set-up for my home office.
...P.S. Jon Dropkin is a great ergonomist who has helped me set up my new work station. His number is 212-241-2582.
Finger Lakes Occupational Health Services
980 Westfall Road, Suite 210 Clinic Founded 1987
Rochester, NY 14618
AOEC Contact: Deanna Woodhams, Administrator 716-256-0853 FAX 716-256-2271
Michael P. Nancollas, MD 475 Irving Ave., Ste. 418 Syracuse, NY 13210 315-426-0197nancollas.michael@hcds.com
Central New York Occupational Health Clinical Center
6712 Brooklawn Parkway
Suite 204 Clinic Founded 1989
Syracuse, New York 13211-2195
Linda Marvin, MPhil, MS 162 Lake Avenue Tuckahoe, NY 10707 (914) 337-9096 (516) 299-2436 (LIU)Ms. Marvin is an Assistant Professor in the Speech and Hearing Department of Long Island University, C. W. Post Campus and has private consulting practice. She specializes in the problems of people who use their voices professionally, including users of voice recognition software. She will evaluate you at your work site (including home) to better assist you with voice health and safety.
AOEC Contact: Michael B. Lax, MD, MPH 315-432-8899 FAX 315-431-9528
Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine
School of Medicine
Health Sciences Center, L 3-086 Clinic Founded 1986
University at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, New York 11794
AOEC Contact: Wajdy Hailoo, MD, MSc., DIH 516-444-2167 FAX 516-444-7525
Blythedale Children's Hospital
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Valhalla, NY 10595
(914) 592-7555
Contact: Dr. Yasoma Challenor
Mary Lou Maxon
Wellsville Myotherapy && Exercise
RD#3 Box 301
Wellsville, NY 14895