Julie Sheridan Registered/Licensed Occupational Therapist
Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab
207 S. Burlington Ave.
Hastings, NE 68979
(402) 462-8824
This is an outpatient rehab clinic. There are four physical therapists, a PTA, who does myofacial release by the way and myself an occupational therapist working mainly with hand and upper extremity rehab.
Physical therapist Jane Austin at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Health Center responds that they are knowledgable in the diagnosis and treatment of typing RSIs and can provide therapy. 402-472-7490
After reasonable initial testing & treatment at Mutual of Omaha Health Plans of Lincoln, I got referred to Lincoln Orthopedic Physical Therapy, P.C., where I got good, competent testing and advice from Jake DeNell, Physical Therapist/OCS, and others. LOPT: 402-483-6161 MOHPL: Requires membership in HMO.
See the doctor/therapist first, but if you are looking for massage as part of your recovery, check out:
Newman's Neuromuscular Massage 770 N. Cotner Suite 318 Lincoln, NE 465-4340
One of the treatment methods that I have been most impressed with is the
McKenzie approach to physical therapy. In order to be credentialed in this
treatment approach the therapist has to complete 4 continuing ed courses and
take a credentialing exam. I checked the credentialed therapist list and
there is only one credentialed therapist in Nebraska. I do not know him
personally but have found that people with this training are generally
excellent clinicians. You may want to speak with him. His info is given as:
Henri Prieels, Physical Therapist
Regional West Medical Center
4021 Ave. B
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Work Phone: (308) 630-1355