In Massachusetts, I highly recommend James Gronemeyer D.O. (290 Massachusetts Ave. in Arlington (781-646-7790)). He practices osteopathic manipulation. He looks at the whole body, and how it moves, when he diagnoses things (you're not just "the wrist" to him). He himself spends a full hour with new patients, a half hour with returning patients. One caveat -- he does not accept insurance. His written bill should be sufficient for you to bill your insurance company directly for compensation, though. I have seen him at least 3 times in the last year. My husband is now a regular patient of his, and one of my co-workers has seen him (and thinks highly of his abilities) as well, after I recommended him. Dr. Gronemeyer manipulates the body to deal with immediate issues, then refers to a physical therapist for stretching and strengthening over time.
Helen N. Haskell
612 Berkley St.
Berkley, MA 02779
Claire A. Cirafice
Myotherapy & Wellness Clinic
250 Dodge St.
Beverly, MA 01915
Kathy Lavelle,
4 Freeman Street
Bourne, MA 02532
Call Kerry Souza at the Coalition on New Office Technology (617-247-6827) and make an appointment to see the RSI ACTION Health Care Referral binder. This is a binder with RSI sufferers' individual opinions and experiences with health care providers in the Boston area. It covers doctors, OTs, Physical Therapists and alternative providers.
Music Medicine Clinic
Massachusetts General Hospital
1 Hawthorne Pl., Suite 103
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 726-8657
Director: Dr. Fred Hochberg
Performing Arts Clinic
Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis St.
Boston, MA 02115
Director: Dr. Michael E. Charness
(see next item)
(See previous listing)
Dr. Charness has been extremely helpful as my neurologist for a disc problem in my neck that is affecting my playing, though not caused by my playing (I am a violinist). He has been a godsend, and I really am incredibly thankful to have found his name on your site. Thank you!
With all the email about cubital tunnel syndrome, I thought I should mention that I had this problem successfully solved in one of my elbows by Dr Nalebuff at New England Baptist Hospital in Boston. I don't have time to go into details, but for those of you who are considering surgery, from what I found out he is one of the best surgeons for hand problems in this area and he did a great job on me. Obviously try to avoid surgery in the first place, but if you got to do it, make sure you get the best possible surgeon. The consequences of screwing up your nerves are severe as many messages to this mailing list have documented. My surgery story, fortunately for me, has a happy ending.
. . .
Can I just also add my endorsement to Dr. Edward Nalebuff, who operated
on my right hand about 15 yrs ago, and I never had any further problems
with it.
When I posted my pal's experience, I had no idea people would want to know so much about this specific doctor. Nancy feels there are prob. other doctors in other parts of the country who have expertise very similar to Dr. Chan's. Hopefully anyone who's interested in Dr. Chan's treatments will be able to find a doctor with comparable training in their own town. Here is the info from the business card:
Ping C. Chan and Domenic L. D'Addio, Licensed Acupuncturists
Tui Na Bodywork Therapy,
Chinese Herbal Medicine
98 Tyler Street (in Chinatown, near South Station)
Boston, MA 02111 617/228-7228
M, W, Th, Sat: 10AM - 6PM, Sun 10AM - 1PM
455 Central Avenue (near Pawtucket, RI)
Seekonk, MA 02771 508/399-8820
Tues and Fri: 10AM - 6PM
I believe that Domenic is in the Seekonk office on M and W if people wanted to call then. He is American and is easier to talk to to set up an appointment. But I did fine over the phone when I originally called Dr. Chan and spoke to him. Domenic is very good at explaining Chinese Medicine to people who are unfamiliar with how it works.
i saw a special neurologist who deals with musicians and instrument-related injuries. He evaluated my posture and position of my hands and, while he wasn't able to give me any pointers, someone may be able to benefit from someone like this. The name of the neurologist is Dr. Michael Charness in Boston, MA. I don't know exactly which hospital he has his office in. I believe i saw him at Brigham and Women's. I hope this helps, I don't know any of the other information (such as phone, fax, etc).
[PMx: The AMA says his office number is 617-325-2815]
There is a WONDERFUL, gentle chiropractor who practices the Gonstead technique in Brookline. His first name is Kirk ... . But Gonstead practitioners are rare so you should be able to find him. If you do, please give him my regards. He really helped me recover from what could have been a permanently disabling car accident.
Dr. Kirk Shilts 1129 Beacon St. Brookline, MASSACHUSETTS, 02446 UNITED STATES I (617) 277-1344 can highly recommend my former accupuncturerist, Geoffry D'Arcy. He was practicing in Cambridge, last I heard. He is a TRUE healer in every sense of the word. (Also please say hello for me; I owe him so much!) His clinic was called Wellbeing Medical Center. He helped me with everything from the accident to migraines to mono. He's one of the kindest men I've ever met. I still refer to several booklets he wrote. Hope you find them; they are both wonderful people.
I've had excellent treatment from (and rapport with) Dr. Robert Yood, who's affiliated with the Fallon Clinic in Worcester (no 'H'), MA where I live.
I have received competent medical care for my RSI from Dr. R. J. McCunney, at MIT's medical department. On the other hand, I earlier received less than competent care from the doctor on call there asbout a year ago (the moral being that you should be sure to get someone who deals with RSI frequently).
RSI doctor in the Boston area, I can offer the name of Dr. Diamond at MIT Health Services. As you might expect RSI is a big deal at MIT with lots of CTS sufferers. Diamond is the local specialist. However, I have not yet seen him so I cannot recommend him at this time. Also I don't know about access for non-MIT people. I don't have his number at hand, but call the MIT switchboard, 617-253-1000 to get it.
....You can try Dr. Diamond at the MIT Medical Center (I'm not sure if he takes patients outside of MIT, but I think he does...) I went to him, and he was pretty knowledgable. Good luck!
I heartily recommend Ben Benjamin for any massage work in the Boston area. He wrote the book "Listen to your Pain" and is exceptionally well trained.
WorkRite Medical Associates
427-3 Amherst St. Suite 265
Nashua, NH 03063
Phone/FAX (603) 672-2214
They have both Physical Therpists and Occupational Therapists (with Hand Therapy certification) on staff. The company has a superb reputation for successful management of repetitive stress injuries.
I owe thanks to Dr. Sarni, Dr. Stein, and OT Priscilla Mann at Boston's Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital.
For about two months, I went to the Spaulding rehab hospital (the one in Boston) and saw a occupational therapist named Priscilla Mann. She seemed *very* knowledgeable, and the exercises and stretches she gave me seemed to help some; they certainly didn't hurt. I even heard that she helped someone else to get tested with a nerve conduction/emg test using a method that finally verified that he had a problem. (Often people have rsi symptoms, but an emg/nerve conduction test done in the usual fashion doesn't show any problem. This can make getting workers comp very difficult.) ... A great resource for finding Boston area doctors, occupational therapists, chiropractors,... is the Coalition for New Office Technology, on 650 Beacon Street. The organization has a binder full of health care provider reviews written by rsi patients. CNOT's phone number is 617-247-6827.
I ended up going to the Cambridge Hospital occupational medicine clinic, to whom I was referred by the really helpful folks at Office Technology Education Project (OTEP), 617.776.2777.
I personally have found Dr. Thomas Winters (617/472-9925), who was my GP (general practictioner), very helpful in providing me with the basics of RSI wcare. He has had extensive RSI experience. (I believe he is *the* person DEC uses.) He was the person who referred me to Elaine LaCroix. (I believe my use of Elaine has subsequently led her to become *the* person Lotus uses.) The following are hand surgeons who I have been told are some of the top in Boston. (However, it is not clear to me that surgery is usually the best route.)
- Dr. Andrew Terrono, 617/738-0857
- Dr. Craig Stirrat, 617/232-5561
- Dr. Richard Gelberman, 617/726-2946
Elaine LaCroix of Hand Rehabilitation, Inc. is a therapist who is very good and is widely used throughout the Boston area. She is located at Lakeside office park, 607 north Avenue, door 12,wakefield, Massachusetts 01880, 617/224-3480.
Occupational & Environmental Medicine Program
Boston University Medical Center
88 East Newton Street Clinic Founded 1979
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
AOEC Contact: John Meyer, MD, MPH 617-638-8400 FAX 617-638-8406 e-mail:
For those of you living in the Boston area: St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Brighton has begun a Mind Body Program. Phone # is 617-562-7916. It's based on Jon Kabat-Zinn's pain program at UMass.
Cost is $750 - your insurance may cover it. Cost includes - 8 weekly 2.5 hour sessions, one all day session, tapes, book, etc. We learned meditation and yoga and mindfulness, etc... Dr. Pamela Pettinati runs the program. The woman is incredible. She's been practicing and teaching meditation for years. She also has a VERY personal perspective...she was a reconstructive surgeon for 30 years and woke up with myasthenia (sp) gravis (a nerve and muscle degenerative disease that also causes double vision) about 5 years ago to find her career over before she even got out of bed. She uses a very personal perspective to teach the program and alot of humor too.
The hospital itself now also offers several alternative med programs like Feldenkreis, Alexander, etc. as part of Mind Body Program.
I can't tell you how much it has helped me deal with my thoracic outlet pain, loss of ability to do many activities I enjoy, missed work, depression, dealing with idiotic suggestions like I should learn to write with my right hand (I'm a left handed teacher with TOS on left side), etc, etc...
I still don't even know if my insurance will pay...if not, it's still
the best $750 I will have spent to date!
Ben E. Benjamin, massage therapist
47 Grant Street
Concord, MA 01742
(508) 369-0514
He also founded a school which I believe is in Boston and uses his name in
the title.
As many other RSI patients have probubly experienced I have been to a million doctors all of whom offered me no help. These Health care professionals were excellent!! 1) Christina Abbott The Abbott Center 323 High Street Westwood, MA (781)326-3841 She is a certified Neuromuscular Therapist from the Barbara Brennon School of Healing Arts. I can not possibly speak highly enough of Christina. She is extremely knowledgable in this field, treating the majority of her patients for rsi. She is one of the most sweet and caring individuals I have ever met she really listens to you and never gives up on trying to figure out what is the cause of your rsi and how she can get you to heal faster. Neuromuscular Therapy involves the laying on of pressure in areas of pain to release trigger points. There obviously is much more to NMT than that so calling her and asking what she does is a good idea. I was in constant pain from my rsi and although I am still very much recovering, after only a few weeks of visiting with her I noticed drastic improvement in my hands. I still have pain but at rest and in minor activities I have none. At the Abbott Center there are also many other specialists such as Massage Therapists, Healers, Exercise Specialists etc. A visit with Christina is $85 an hour and the Massage Therapists are around $60 an hour. Some people have been able to get this covered by insurance, I unfortunately was not able to but it has been the best thing I think I have ever spent money on - that and the Alexander Technique. 2) Cecile Raynor certified teacher Alexander Technique Associates 233 Harvard Street Brookline 02446 (617) 325 0881 I can not speak highly enough of Cecile. She is a sweet and wonderful person who really cares about her patients in both a mind and body way. As we know with rsi not just your hands are involved, your whole body contributes to this problem. I went to Cecile on blind faith not really knowing anything about the Alexander Technique and was amazed. I had been having so much pain in my upper back from bad posture that I was for days confined to the floor. After one visit with her my upper back pain was gone and never came back. Since then we have continued to work on my posture and my own misuse of my body. I have learned so much about the way I do things and in an on going process am learning to change my misuse. I was so blown over by the power of the Alexander Technique to cure that I considered becoming a teacher. Visits are for an hour... I was refered to both of these people by someone else who is an rsi victim and because of them she is 95% better. These people will help you!!!!
I highly recommend Olivia Cheever, feldenkrais practioner, at Wellspace in Cambridge. ph 617-876-2660. The one-on-one sessions are around $80 for an hour but she also teaches classes that are around $15-$20 per class. When I was at my worst point (in constant pain) in January 1997, and had already been to numerous doctors, acupuncturists, massage therapists over the course of 5 months, I went to Olivia and she told me I would be back in the studio painting again in 8 weeks. I had sessions with her at least once a week and went to 2 classes per week and I was practically recovered at the end of 2 months. She is a true healer.
I recommend T'ai Chi Master Yon Lee in Cambridge (Harvard University). He also has a private practice in Quincy. He is very interested in applying chi kung and t'ai chi to medical conditions including RSI (which many Harvard students get), and has worked with Harvard Medical School on many different conditions. I can only recommend him for his classes, not his hands-on healing. Doing his tai chi form regularly has been key in my recovery.
I work in Concord, Ma. and there are two Dr.'s I would recommend very highly. One is a Chiropractor - Dr. Sandy Chapnick - at Billerica Chiropractic. (Route 3 & TrebleCove Road) He has had a lot of experience with patients with RSI injuries. He not only does adjustments but uses UltraSound and TriggerPoint therapy as well. He has helped me a great deal.
The 2nd is an Orthopedic Surgeon - Dr. Ericson - in Winchester - from Winchester Hand Surgery. (Route 128 to Exit 37 - to Montvale Ave) He is be really careful and caring - he doesn't jump to surgery immediately - and he really takes the time to listen to you.
Occupational & Environmental Health Center
Cambridge Hospital
1493 Cambridge Street Clinic Founded 1981
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
AOEC Contact: Rose Goldman, MD, MPH 617-498-1580 FAX 617-498-1671 Susan Rosenwasser, MEd., Coordinator
Mary Ann Cernak
Myotherapy & Exercise Center
184 J Northampton St.
Easthampton, MA 01027
Certified Bonnie Prudden Myotherapist 171 Gifford St Falmouth, MA 02540 508-633-5217 Serving New England since 1983
Seth P. Cheney
Treatments in your Home
12 Potter Rd.
Framingham, MA 01701
Claire Naylor-Pollart
Fitness Express/Myotherapy
42 Bridge St.
Great. Barrington, MA 01230
I also practice myotherapy and have had success treating RSI patients in my office for ten years (now on Cape Cod). I have treated musicians in the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra as well as local musicians who are serious about their music. I am myself a musician and chiropractic physician who specializes in musculoskeletal medicine, but do not limit myself to just spinal manipulative therapy as treatment. I do use myotherapy often, and also use other massage techniques. I am a sports physician, and have been a team physician for professional soccer (Cape Cod Crusaders, USISL, 1993-4), and college baseball (Cape Cod League, 1997-present). I am currently a tour physician for the AVP Professional Beach Volleyball U.S. National Tour, and also for the NBC Sports Gravity Games (Sundays on NBC, October 1999).
My father was a professional musician and taught music to adolescents for 50 years. I was also a professional musician (woodwinds) and director-founder of my college wind ensemble (Bowdoin College).
I have promised my musician patients a thorough clinical history and physical examination with appropriate diagnosis, and a caring approach to treatment. I will not waste a patient's time if their symptoms are not improving in an appropriate amount of time. I refer to an appropriate physician or physical therapist where necessary. I offer myotherapy, massage, spinal and extremity manipulative therapy where appropriate, bracing, taping, splinting, casting, and orthoses as needed. I am an expert in exercise rehabilitation and have committed my practice to the teaching of safe exercise.
I hope to help many more of us afflicted with RSI injuries. Thank you.
Gregory T. Wright, D.C. P.O. Box 676 2 Doane Rd. Harwich Port, MA 02646 Tel: (508) 432-5008 E-Mail:
have found Dr. Joseph Audette at Spaulding Rehab in Medford to be a very good diagnostician, as well as being sympathetic to RSI sufferers. They have in house PTs and OTs there, as well.
Kathleen M. McMahon
Myotherapy Muscular Pain Relief
201 Hovey Rd.
Monson, MA 01057
I don't have a doctor to recommend, but if you need a physical therapist, I would certainly recommend Diane Sheehan in Natick, 508-253-0773. She is particularly good at deep tissue massage.
> i would be interested in who you went to for myofasci9al release and
the cost...
I went to Raftis Physical Therapy Associates, 313 Washington St. Suite 304,
Newton, MA, 617-332-0911. I think it was $75 for a 45-minute appointment,
but since that was 2 years ago almost, the price may have changed. My
insurance paid 80%. They have one physical therapist who specialized in neck
and shoulder treatments, and I saw her for my myofacial release treatments
twice a week.
Tell them I sent you, I might get a free massage... They also had a massage
therapist and some other folks working out of that office.
I had terrible success with Medical Doctors, some success with Physical Therapists, but the best results came from my chiropractor (I had never been to one). The adjustments were great, but the most effect came from his use of the Active Release Technique (ART). Google this to find providers in your area.My chiro isn't listed, and he was even a teacher, because he doesn't want to pay the fee to be listed. So try calling around to chiropractors in your area and ask if anyone performs that technique. It releases the compressed nerves. I had almost 90% relief from 24/7 tingling in my hands and arms after a few weeks of this.
Daniel R. Godbout DC (Chiropractor) Northampton Chiropractic & Wellness Center 24 Center St Northampton, MA 01060 413-582-9111
Jennifer R. Laurin, PT
Hello - I am a Performing Arts Physical Therapist in Western Massachusetts (Pittsfield) and am launching my website March 1st, 2009: and I'd LOVE to include a link to your phenomenal 22 page resource website for musicians and injuries. I treat musicians mainly, but also actors, visual artists, etc. (Not the dancers, gymnasts, etc. group).
Betsy Wilkes
Greater Boston Myotherapy
43 Grand St.
Reading, MA 01867
Nadine M. Tondreault
Reclaim Health
14 Ropes Street
Salem MA 01970
Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Massachusetts Respiratory Hospital
2001 Washington Street Clinic Founded 1977
South Braintree, Massachusetts 02184
AOEC Contact: Dianne Plantamura, Coord. 617-848-2600 for appointments 617-848-2600 ext. 445 FAX 617-849-3290 or 617-356-2335
Erica Waly Bourne Myofascial Pain Treatment Center 1275 Main Street Waltham, MA 02154-1762 Ph. 781-894-9430
... currently treating patients with CTS and RSI with low level bio-stimulation (laser) and acupuncture to achieve 100% results. Treatment is non-invasive and non-surgical.
Kenneth Branco, Ac.
Acupuncture Resource Center
216 American Legion Highway
Westport, MA 02790
Occupational Health Program
Dept. Family & Community Medicine University of Massachusetts
55 Lake Avenue North Clinic Founded 1982
Worcester, Massachusetts 01655-0309
AOEC Contact: Thomas Hicks, MD, MPH 508-856-3053 FAX 508-856-1680 Glenn Pransky, MD, MOccH 508-856-4159 Appointments: 508-856-2818