Ergonomic Products and Services

PLEASE READ THIS NOTE about out-of-date information on this website.

It's important to remember that no gadgets can "fix" RSI or prevent it if damaging work setups and habits are occurring. Some "ergo" devices are ineffective or have low-tech alternatives that work just as well.

Having said that, it's also true that RSI may be prevented, or recovery aided by many small, modest improvements in ergonomics, especially if this is done early before you are in severe trouble. There are some potentially useful products advertised on the Web. Some are listed here. THEIR LISTING HERE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT BY ME: I list *any* such product brought to my attention and encourage you to read the RSI Page and other materials before pouring money into any ergo product. Also listed now are services related to RSI. Many of these companies include RSI information and further related Web links on their sites.

PLEASE NOTE THAT ITEMS ARE NOT LISTED IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE OR QUALITY: they are listed in the order that they came to my attention. Note also that products and companies undergo name changes or vanish; this page has been up for a long long time and I don't police it for "link rot". If any links don't work, drop me a line to let me know.

ALSO: now available on line is a valuable document on Pros & Cons of various ergonomic office equipment. READ THIS before you buy.

In addition, Usernomics also lists categories of ergonomic products .

[Keyboards][Software] [Gloves, Supports][Ergo Services] [Legal Services] [Furniture][Miscellaneous]

Keyboards & Pointers


Gloves, Splints, Supports, Etc.

Ergo Services and Suppliers


Legal Services


A list of catalogs for injured/disabled/handicapped aids, helps, devices:

Maxi Aids 800-522-6294 - low prices and lots of adaptive stuff for computers
ADL 800-821-9319
AliMed 800-225-2610 , now on the Web.
After Therapy 800-634-4351
Sammons Enrichments 800-323-5547

Thanks to Judy Copeland.

Also: North Coast Medical
187 Stauffer Boulevard, San Jose, CA 95125-1042
Phone Toll Free: 1-800-821-9319 or 408-283-1900

Aids For Arthritis

Independent Living Products

  • Functional Solutions

  • Ergobuyer
  • HEADSETS DIRECTÂ has ergonomic recommendations, headsets

  • Return to the RSI Page . . .

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    Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln / Ergo Products Web Page / Web Guy